G.K of Biology

 1) Red color of carrot and tomato is due to:

📷 anthocyanin & Lycopen

2) P.H of human blood is

📷 7.0

3) Largest organ inside human body is:

📷 Liver

4) Largest organ of human body is:

📷 skin

5) What is celluloses:

📷 Carbohydrates

6) The smallest of all human cells are:

📷 RBCs

7) No of bones in human body is:

📷 206

8) Smallest unit of life is:

📷 Cell

9) Red blood cells have no:

📷 Nucleus

10) White blood cells are also known as:

📷 Leucocytes

11) Red blood cells are also known as:

📷 Erythrocytes

12) Life appeared on earth about:

📷 3 billion years ago

13) When earth was formed its atomsphere were composed of:

📷 Water vapour, ammonia and Methane

14) Biochemical organ of life is discovered by:

📷 Oparin

15) Group of cells are termed as:

📷 Tissue

16) Kingdom fungi are known as:

📷 Decomposer

17) Which cell organelles not participate in cell division:

📷 Ribosomes

18) Longest bone in human body is:

📷 Femur

19) Shortest bone in human body is:

📷 Stapes

20) Most important food is derived from:

📷 Fruits

21) After human most intelligent mammal is:

📷 Dolphins

22) Prokaryot doesn't possess:

📷 Nucleus

23) Eukaryot has a:

📷 Nucleus

24) In bacterial cell..............is not found:

📷 Golgi apparatus

25) ................Is found in plant cell while in animal cell it is absent.

📷 Cell wall

26) Jelly like structure found inside the cell are reffered as.

📷 Cytoplasm

27) Which part of cell makes proteins:

📷 Ribosomes

28) Most important stimulant in tea leaves:

📷 Caffeine

29) First cloned sheep was discovered by:

📷 Dolly

30) Which part of cells process packages and export proteins.

📷 Golgi apparatus

31) Colored part of eye is called

📷 Iris

32) Tubes that carry away blood from heart is called:

📷 Arteries

33) Tiny bumps on tongue is called is:

📷 Taste buds

34) Black part of eye is termed as:

📷 Pupil

35) .............Tubes carry blood towards heart

📷 Veins

36) Chromosomes consists of:

📷 DNA and Proteins

37) Poison of honey bee is:

📷 Acidic

38) Apple is rich in:

📷 Iron

39) Longest nerve is

📷 Sciatic

40) Evaporation of sweat is:

📷 Endothermic reaction

41) Palak leaves are rich in:

📷 Iron

42) Loss of memory is caused by destruction of:

📷 Cerebrum

43) Average pulse rate is:

📷 72-80

44) Milk sugar is:

📷 Lactose

45) No of cells in human body is:

📷 75 trillion

46) Plants roots absorb water through hair roots by process of:

📷 Osmosis

47) Wisdom teeth normally grow between age of:

📷 17-26 years

48) Saliva helps in digestion of:

📷 Starch

49) Average weight of female brains are:

📷 310 grams

50) Function of homoglobin is to transport:

📷 Oxygen


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